Carlos Gonzales Ramirez born in Peru in 1936 . Painter, sculptor graphic designer with 66 years of experience in Peru and abroad. In 1957, with the arrival of important worldwide advertising agencies in Peru, he joined McCann Ericsson Corp. – Lima, as a designer. Later he worked as Art Director for renowned agencies and studios of the time, among them Norlop (Quito Ecuador), Forum Publicidad (Lima, Peru).

In 1967 he started as a professor of Graphic Design and founder of the Faculty of Visual Arts at the National University of Engineering (Peru). In 1984 he was professor and founder of the Graphic Design career at the Instituto Peruano de Publicidad (IPP).
His painting, sculpture and graphic design works have been exhibited in several countries such as Argentina, United States, Ecuador among others. His works are also present in collections in The Museum of Arte of Lima, Museum of the Reserve Bank of Peru and in The Major University of San Marcos, Dean of America, Lima, Peru.
He has been awarded many times in Peru and abroad: 1959 First Prize Symbol “Peruvian Industry”// 1960 First Prize “Company of Comedies”// 1960 Honorable Mention “Poster Jockey Club of Peru”// 1960 First Prize “Victory Fair”// 1964 First and Second Prize “Congress of Architects” of the College of Architects of Peru// 1966 First Prize “Stamp of the Journalist”// 1970 First Prize, Scultupture “Monumento a San Martin y la Expedición Libertadora” – Paracas// 1983 First Prize “Símbolo Banco Mercantil”// 1985 First Prize “Afiche Antonio Ricardo” 400 Años de la Imprenta en el Perú //1990 First Prize: To the specialized book “El Pisco” – Paris// 1991 First Prize “Libro de la Arena” – Bogotá // 1991 First Prize Specialized Edition in the Iberoamerican Contest to the Hard Cover Book, Art and History – Buenos Aires// 1997 Prize “PADIS” for Memory “La Positiva”. //2003 “INDECOPI” Award for Professional Career// 2005 First Prize Sculpture IPAE. “Hochschild Award, 2005.
During his career he has designed a series of graphics, covers and books for important intellectuals of Peru and Latin America, among them: Mario Vargas Llosa, Nobel Prize in Literature; Manuel Scorza, Alfredo Bryce, Victor Raul Haya de la Torre, Alfredo Bryce, Hernando de Soto, Victor Andres Belaunde, Maria Reiche. Carlos is one of the pioneers of graphic design in Peru, he has worked on graphic projects for leading companies in Peru and the region, including: Central Reserve Bank (BCR), Credit Bank of Peru (BCP), Continental Bank BBVA, Lima Stock Exchange (BVL), University of the Pacific (UP), Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP), Millpo Mining Company, Municipality of Lima, America Television, Panamerican Television, UNICEF, Maritime Historical Studies of Peru, Jockey Club of Peru. Welcome Carlos to the International Panel of Jurors



Péter Pócs was born in Pécs , Hungary, he studied at the Art School of Pécs . He began working as a graphic designer in 1972, creating theatre, exhibition and festival posters, and broadening his repertoire with political and social ones from 1989. Some of his most recognizable posters feature presculpted models and intricate compositions, but his trademark is the strong and active stance he takes on complex local and global issues, using wit, the grotesque and the occasional improvisation. His mentors were Henryk Tomaszewski, Waldemar Świerzy and György Konecsni.

He founded DOPP Artist Group in 1987, and has been working in his studio, POSTER'V Design since 1991. He also co-founded the Hungarian Poster Association in 2004, of which he was the first president until leaving, then launched his "Hungarian Poster Loneliness Association" in 2008, of which he is a "forever member“.

Pócs later earned his university diploma in product design at the University of West Hungary in 2010. Pócs has also served as a jury member at major international competitions and festivals: 1994 , 2nd International Poster Triennial, Trnava// 2002 – XX. International Graphics Biennial, Brno, 2002 // 2002 International Poster Biennial, Mexico // 2003 – International Theater Poster Biennial, Rzeszów// 2011 – XVIII. International Poster Biennial, Lahti// etc . He has been awarded many times including: 1982 – 1st prize, Best Posters of the Year, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest//1983 – Gold Medal, International Movie Poster Exhibition, Chicago// 1983, Award of Excellence, Best Posters of the Year, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest //1984 – Youth Award, Intergrafik '84, Berlin// 1984 – Award of Excellence, Best Posters of the Year, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest// 1984 – Award, County Graphics Exhibition, Kecskemét// 1985 – Award of Excellence, Best Posters of the Year, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest//1986 – Special award, The Hollywood Reporter, International Movie Poster Exhibition, Hollywood//1988 – Silver medal, The Art Directors Club Winners 67th Annual Awards and 2nd Annual International Exhibition, New York City//1988 – Special Award, International Poster Biennial, Warsaw//1989 – Award of Excellence, Ministry of Culture, Budapest.

Pócs has also served as a lecturer at various institutions: 1987 – Academy of Fine Art, Stuttgart//2002 – San Luis Potosí University // 2002 – 20th International Graphic Arts Biennial, Brno//2002 – Moholy-Nagy University, Budapest//2004 – ESAG, Paris//2009 – Art Academy, Osaka// 2010 – University of West-Hungary, Sopron 2011 – School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Helsinki// 2013 – Academy of Arts, Sofia// 2023 – National Art Academy, Burgas 2023 – College of National Arts, Plovdiv //

Welcome Peter to the International Panel of Jurors



Jason Zuñiga was born in Lima , Peru. Member of the Advisory Board of the Peruvian Design Association. Member of the team of external advisors of the Congress of the Republic of Peru and of important private organizations and institutions on issues of social design and technological infrastructure integrating fields of UX / UI design.

Jason works as UX / UI Design Manager at Brand Worldwide, an international consultancy focused on brand management, and is president and member of different associations and NGOs in the region: Asociación del Centro Poblado Costa Rica, ONGD Ecofuture in Action , among others.

Jason works with communities in vulnerable situations to eradicate poverty and promote sustainable development. He has recently been recognized as an Ambassador for Universal Peace, by the Federation for Universal Peace, an NGO with general consultative status before the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.

Jason was the Director of Cultural Affairs at the Peruvian Design Association, during his tenure he promoted the discipline of design as a cultural axis by identifying design routes and national design centers.

Welcome Jason to the International Panel of Jurors



Filippos Fragkogiannis, born in Greece, is an award-winning graphic designer, art director and poster artist based in Athens. He studied visual communication and graphic design at Vakalo Art & Design College, where he developed a deep interest in semiotics, language, and symbols, with a particular focus on typography.

Filippos holds a Master of Arts in Visual Communication and a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Graphic Design. His passion for visual arts and communication is also reflected in his long-term involvement with photography, content curation and graffiti. His design portfolio includes advertising, branding, logos, posters, and digital design. Fragkogiannis aims for his designs to be direct and honest, effectively conveying their message in a straightforward manner. Advocating for simplicity, truthfulness, and type-centered design.

Filippos Fragkogiannis has been recognized in international design competitions, including the Communication Arts Typography Competition, Hiibrand Awards, Creativepool Annual Awards, Indigo Design Awards, International Design Awards (IDA), DNA Paris Design Awards, C-IDEA Design Awards, Graphis Awards, Peru Bienal. Filippos Fragkogiannis founded Certain Magazine, an independent curatorial platform that chronicles contemporary graphic design and celebrates handpicked design projects from around the world.

In 2020, he was a jury member for the Greek Graphic Design and Illustration Awards. In early 2023, he was appointed to the jury of Awwwards. Welcome Filippos to the International Panel of Jurors



Naufan Noordyanto was born in Pamekasan, Madura Island, Indonesia. He is a lecturer in the Department of Visual Communication Design (VCD) at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) in Surabaya,Indonesia..

Naufan conducts interdisciplinary research that combines graphic design and typography, focusing on socio-cultural approaches, design critique, and graphic design experimentation theory. In addition to his academic role, Naufan has worked for several years as an independent graphic designer and consultant. He specializes in graphic design, particularly posters and visual branding, typography, and illustration. Naufan's career includes being awarded, invited and selected for more than 200 international art events, competitions or exhibitions.

Naufan works has been widely recognized locally and worldwide: 2022 Habibie Prize // 2022 3rd place — International Poster Biennale Lublin 2023, Category 80. years of MCSU, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University (UMCS), Poland//2023, Inclusion Award ,WZD2023 International Pattern Design Competition, Beijing Xicheng District Cultural and Creative Industry Promotion Center, China//2021 1st Place & Finalist — the Golden Turtle XV ECO-Posters contest 2021, Russia//2021, 1st & 3rd place, XI International Festival of Social Advertising – LIME 2021 in category of Classic Print – Professional, Russia// 2021, Silver conch award — International Ocean Arts Festival (IOAF) 2021, Asian Federation of Arts, Culture and Science AsianACS, South Korea// 2019 Winning Award, Peru Bienal, digital illustration category, Peru//Winner (top 50) — Graphic Matters Biennale 2019, Netherland, others.

He frequently serves as a speaker, guest lecturer, or jury member at various national and international art and design events. Welcome Naufan to the International Panel of Jurors



Mohammad (Sina) Afshar is art director born in Mashhad, Iran. He is a graphic designer and educator , he is currently a professor of Isfahan City Center University ( University of Applied Science & Technology), Institute of Higher Education Sepehr and Arikeh Academy of Art, Isfahan, Iran.

The winner of more than 60 national and international awards and honors : Honorable Mention, International Poster Exhibition |Women's Rights| Prague- Czech Republic 2024 //Bronze award, United States International Poster Biennial Exhibition, USA,2023//Honorable Mention,14th Fajr Visual Arts Festival, Tehran, 2022 //Distinction Award, Taiwan International Graphic Design Award,2021//1st Award, Peru Bienal,Lima-Peru,2021//Honorable Mention, B.I International Poster Art Biennial, South Korea,2021 //Honorable Mention, The 4th International Poster Biennale Lublin,Poland 2019 //Honorable Mention, 16th International Biennial of Theater Poster "Rzeszow", Poland 2018 //Excellence Award, 2015 Silk Road Spirit,The 1st West International Design Biennial, China 2016//Honorable Mention In the Second International Reggae Poster Contest, Jamaica,2013// Honorable Mention, 2015 China-Italy International Design Week, Florence, Italy, 2015 //First Prize, The 15th Resistance Theater Festival, Tehran, 2015, among others.

Mohammad has also served as a jury member for major international competitions and festivals: 14. Plaster, International Festival of Graphic Design,Poland,2023 // 3rd Intercontinental Poster Competition, Poster Stellars, United States,2023 // 5th International Poster Biennale Lublin, Poland,2021//Golden Turtle, International Design contest, Russia 2019 // 3rd International Contest of Theatrical Poster, Moldova-Kishinev, 2018// 3rd International poster Contest "Graphic Stories", Cyprus, 2018// Ecuador Poster Bienal 2018, Preselection Jury, Ecuador-2018// Posterfortomorrow, Preselection Jury, France, 2017 among others.

Welcome Mohammad to the International Panel of Jurors



Ana Brum born in Brazil. She is Graduate in Industrial Design - Product Design from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (1999). She has a specialization in Engineering and Product Design and Methodology in Higher Education.
Master in Development and Organizations of the FAE. She is currently technical director of the Brasil Design Center
She was delegate representative of design at the CNPC/Ministry of Culture 2011/2012 and coordinator of the Higher Education course. She has experience in the area of Industrial Design, with an emphasis on Product Design
Ana has also served as a lecturer and member of the jury for significant international competitions and events. . She currently holds the position of Technical Director of the Brasil Design Center (CBD), a non-profit institution that promotes design, innovation and sustainability as strategic drivers of competitiveness. Welcome Anna to the International Panel of Jurors
