Peru Biennial

International Call


International Call- Dance

The Biennial of Peru , officially announces an international call in the category of Dance . The call is open to companies, studios, dance groups and professionals in the sector.

Participants: Dance projects from any country in the world, in their different typologies. Authors from any country and over 18 years. 

General Considerations

a). International and national projects are involved.


b). The selection committee of the Peru Bienal will select the “selected projects” among all the projects presented.

c) If your project is selected, you enter a new selection stage to choose the finalist projects. The winning project will be chosen from the group of finalist projects. 

d) Selected, finalist and award-winner projects are part of the presentations within the framework of our official activities.


Deadline:  October 30, 2024
Selected Projects:  November 30, 2024
Finalist Projects:  December 10, 2024
Awarded Projects: February  10, 2024
Presentation: 28 March, 2025  


Up to a maximum of two dances per participant. To participate it will be necessary that the information to SEND meets two requirements, which we describe below:

a) Project information, A4 sheet (Word or pdf file). Name of the company, studio or name of the author or authors, Description of the dance,  Link YouTube,  Vimeo OR  any other, where you can observe the dance. In the file you can also add websites or links to social platforms if you have them.

b) Attach photos, images of the dance in a folderAttach photos of the dancer in action, photos of presentations . Folder name format: Country + author or company name + dance name. Then compress the folder in zip or rar format.   


Submission Form- Dance

Enter an “active and main” email  for the necessary communications (Very Important). You will receive a confirmation email within a maximum period of 48 hours. Check your “main email” and also the “junk mailbox” (Very Important). We recommend adding the email to your address book :

 Please verify that the extension of the “files” to be sent complies with the requirements of the “Submission Form”.  If the project to be sent exceeds 8 MB, you can apply by sending the project information and images using the file transfer tools: Google Drive, One Drive, Wetransfer or “any other” to send your project and notify the email:

    Telephone (*)

    Project Descriptions: doc,docx,pdf (*)

    Project Images: zip,rar (*)

    (*)Campos Obligatorios
