Peru Biennial

International Call


International Call- Poster Design

The Peru Biennial officially announces the international poster contest. The call is open to companies, professionals and future professionals in the design sector with unpublished projects and / or published in the last four years. Selected posters, finalists and award winners will be part of the biggest  exhibition in America..

General Considerations

All participants agree to comply with the following considerations:

a). National and international projects participate. If the work infringes on plagiarism or intellectual property rights, the sender is responsible. 

b) Categories: artistic posters, advertising posters, social posters, typographical posters, cultural posters and environmental posters. The best posters will be awarded by category.

c)Minimum one, maximum two posters per category. It is not necessary to participate in all categories. Participants decide which categories they want to participate in. All received posters go through a “category” selection process.

d). Posters that are “selected” in the process will be certified and recognized by the Steering Committee and the Biennial Organizing Committee. The “selected” posters go on to the next phase to select the finalists and the “winning” posters by “categories” of participation. Selected posters, finalists and winners participate in the biggest exhibition on the continent.

e). The jury will be made up of national and international professionals with recognized professional experience in the design sector, members of the organizing committee, directing committees of the Biennial and the executive committees of the Peru  Biennial.

f) No member of the jury will have to have participated directly or indirectly in the works that will be participants in the competition. The jury’s verdict is final, the jury agrees not to reveal the result before the dates stipulated by the organization.

g). Any objection provided or that is not in the bases , it will be resolved by the directive of the biennial in a final and unappealable form.


Deadline:  August 31 , 2024
Selected Projects:  September 05, 2024
Finalist Projects: September 10, 2024
Awarded Projects: September 12, 2024
Opening November 15, 2024
Exhibition: November 15-  November 28, 2024


To participate, it will be necessary that the information to SEND meets two requirements, which we describe below:

A). Project Description,  Describe each poster in a PDF or Word file. Although some posters explicitly denote what they convey, it is advisable to detail what was intended to be “denoted” or “transmitted” through each poster. Important for example for cultural-themed posters, since each country has its own culture and tradition.  Be very precise in what you want to transmit or denote with your work, “describe it well” so that the jury has a complete perception of your work. Each country has its own idiosyncrasy and culture and in some cases it is necessary to “clarify well” so that a work is understood. This is very important, and can be decisive especially in the final stages, when the jury is trying to choose the winners of the competition and is looking for a support guide beyond the visualization of the work. 

B). Attach IMAGES of the posters: 70cm (horizontal) × 100cm (vertical), 300 DPI, RGB, JPG format. Compress with rar, zip to send. “File name format”: Country + first name last name of the author + name of the poster

Form- Applications

Enter an “active and primary” email for communications (very important). You will receive a confirmation email within 36 hours. Check your “main mail” and also the “spam mailbox” (Very important). We recommend that you add the email to your address book:

Please verify that the extension of the “files” to be sent meets the requirements of the “Submission Form”. If the images to send exceed 8 MB, you can use the file transfer tools: Wetransfer, Google Drive or “similar” to send your project and notify the email:




    Telephone (*)

    Project Descriptions: doc,docx,pdf (*)

    Project Images: zip,rar (*)

    (*)Campos Obligatorios

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