Peru Biennial

International Call


International Call- Sculpture

The Peru Biennial  officially announces the international sculpture contest . The call is open to companies, professionals and future professionals in the sector with unpublished and / or published projects. The selected  sculpture, finalists and winners will be part of the biggest exhibition in the region.

 Participants: Unpublished sculpture and / or published in their different typologies.

General Considerations

a). International and national projects participate. Minimum one, Maximum two  sculpture per participant. The participant decides how many sculpture she chooses to compete with. Projects from any country in the world can participate. Studios, companies, as well as independent professionals may participate. If the work infringes plagiarism or intellectual property rights, the sender will be solely responsible.

b). The participates authorize the organization to publicly communicate the images of the Works respecting at all times the right of the autor, in order to maximize its diffusion in different media and communication platforms that the organizers consider convenient.

d). The jury will choose among all the projects presented, “selected projects”, the same ones that will be publicly recognized and will be part of the exhibition of the Peru Biennial. From the group of selected projects the jury chooses “finalist projects” as long as it considers that the pieces merit it. The finalist projects enter the final straight to choose the winning project in the category of  sculpture

g). No member of the jury must have participated directly or indirectly in the works that will be participants in the event. The verdict of the jury is unappealable, the jury is committed not to reveal the result before the dates stipulated by the organization.

h) The selected projects, finalists and winners will be certified, officially recognized by the Organizing Committee and will be part of the 2024 exhibition of the Peru Biennial

i) Any objection provided or that is not in the bases , it will be resolved by the directive of the biennial in a final and unappealable form.


Deadline:  August 31 , 2024
Selected Projects:  September 05, 2024
Finalist Projects: September 10, 2024
Awarded Projects: September 12, 2024
Opening November 15, 2024
Exhibition: November 15-  November 28, 2024


To participate it will be necessary that the information to SEND meets two requirements, which we describe below:

A) Description of the sculpture in a PDF or Word file. Free theme and technique, any material, except organic and perishable materials. Size up to a maximum of 150 x 150 x 150 cm. Therefore, sculptures of much smaller sizes than those indicated can also be submitted.

 B).  Attach images of the sculpture to send in a folder. Folder name format: Country +author’s last name + sculpture name. Then compress the folder in zip or rar format.  


Submission Form- Sculpture

Enter an “active and main” email  for the necessary communications (Very Important). You will receive a confirmation email within a maximum period of 48 hours. Check your “main email” and also the “junk mailbox” (Very Important). We recommend adding the email to your address book :

 Please verify that the extension of the “files” to be sent complies with the requirements of the “Submission Form”. If the images to send exceed 8 MB, you can use the file transfer tools: Wetransfer, Google Drive or “similar” to send your project  and notify the email:

    Telephone (*)

    Project Descriptions: doc,docx,pdf (*)

    Project Images: zip,rar (*)

    (*)Campos Obligatorios
